Thursday, May 24, 2012

A well deserved shower

I had a look in the shed to check on the seed potatoes. They are long over due being planted. The second earlies are really leggy the main crop less so. I did not have anything to do on Wednesday evening and the evenings are light until past 9pm. H decided to come with me. H set herself up at the top of the lottie on a deckchair with her book. I had the floor, roof and brood box of a hive with me. I placed them on the stand at the top of the lottie.

I had dug over Bed1 and it was ready for planting. I got the plank I use as a straight edge and plonked it down across the bed. I used it as a guide to dig a trench. It took two passes to dig it deep enough. As I dug it down I met the layer of horse muck I had introduced whilst weeding.  So the plan worked. I had to pick the individual seed potatoes from the tray making sure I did not break off the sprouting haulm. It made the job a bit slower to complete as I also had to be careful when back filling the trench. I dug each trench in turn, placed in the seed spuds and back filled the row. It was very hot work but the soil was so light that five rows took a little over an hour and half to complete the job.

It was really good to be out in the gathering gloom. H pointed out the Sun. As it dipped to the horizon it was a fiery ball.  There were lots of birds about all making the best of the warm weather. The lottie's Robin is looking a bit scruffy. Times must be hard for him. We saw the Lapwings, Buzzard, Kestrel as well as lots of the small birds. We heard but did not see the Cuckoos and the Woodpeckers.''

I still had some time so went up to the top of Bed2 which is where the Bees are to live. I had weeded an small area round the hive on my last visit. I decided to clear the remainder of the area round the hive. It was a bit tricky because of the wire fence I had put in the way but whose job was to support Sweet Pea. This small area ten feet long by four foot filled a wheelbarrow to the brim and bit more besides.

The grape vines have started to break bud which is not before time. The Asparagus has started to sprout but bit in a random pattern. I think I am going to cut my losses with the Asparagus and use the bed for something more productive. I cut what was there for supper. H spotted that the Gooseberries where doing well. It is odd how plants some plants will do well despite the weather. As a parting shot I ran the hoe over the early potato rows that had sprouted just to knock back the chickweed which make another bid. By the time I had finished I was soaked in sweat so much so my clothes had darken where the sweat had soaked through on my back, chest and legs. It was not just because I had been working but because was so warm. No chance of dropping in at the Railway for a cheeky pint in that state. We trundled home in Degsy for a well deserved shower and a brew.

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