Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weeds. oh lots a weeds

Saturday was suppossd to be wet and it had been rain on and off all week. I took a punt on Saturday and went to the lottie. It was overcast but not raining. I decided that Bed 1 need more work. Bed1 is the spud bed this year. I opened the compo bin and got the wheelbarrow ready. I forked over the bottom of the trench then threw in a wheelbarrow of rotted manure. After that it was just a case of forking over the ground and throwing the weeds in to the barrow. Overall the main weeds in this bed are the Pineapple weed with a bit of Chickweed. It smelt really nice as I stomped on it as I weeded. The weeds were wet but the soil was fairly dry. One pass of across plot equalled one barrow of weeds. I tipped that barrow load in the compo bin then loaded up another barrow load of manure. Then did the cycle all over again. In got half the plot dug over. I did four cycles before I ran out of time. Roundup came for a a chat. As usual I carried on digging as he chatted.

Next I decided to tackle the the weeds at the top of Bed 2. This where the bees are  to live. Although the area did not look that weedy it yielded a very full barrow for little over half a pass. I had run out of time because Miss L was due home and I had to go the birthday party that evening.

The weeds are growing nicely in the rain but the poor air temperature is slowing them down, which is handy.  

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