Monday, May 07, 2012

A stroll

Sunday was a non-starter as far as the lottie was concerned. H and I went out for a walk instead. We parked up at Staunton Harold and walked over to Calke Abbey. We had a look round the craft fair and a cup of tea. Then we walk on to Ticknall. Most of it down the epic tree lined drive. We looked in on the village hall which had a exhibition mounted. We knew the artist and are not fans of her work so we strolled on.  The Staff of Life and The Chequers were both closed so we had no opportunity to wet are whistle so we wander back across the fields to Staunton. The weather was dry but not sunny and a wind was quite cold. The story of the weekend really.

Click  HERE for a link to eh map of the route.

There was still a good part of the afternoon left so we decided we would have a stroll round Melbourne. It only a few miles from Staunton Harold. We parked at the top of the village and walk through the lane to towards the pond. We walked pasted the Dower House. It was open as part of the NGS [National Gardens Scheme] in which private gardens are opened to the public for charitable donations. The gardens of the house border the pond. It was a bright sunny afternoon and it made the best of the house's position. We met the owners William and Giselle. They were terribly nice but fun none the less.

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