Monday, May 07, 2012

Moira Piscatorials

Saturday was a going to be a day full of work at the lottie. I did the poo run and when I got back to the lottie the wind had a promise of rain in it. I got my gear ready only to have a shower roll across the lottie. I was feeling peckish on the was back from the stables so I had bought a sausage roll and a sandwich from the general store in Overseal. I set up the Trangia for a brew but the wind was howling in the back door of Degsy. I pulled the back of the centre seat down to from a table. I put the Trangia on it and fell on my repast whilst the Trangia heated the water to a boil. With the back door closed and the Trangia burning Degsy was nice a cosy whist I read a few chapters of my book. I had a nice hot brew to go with my chocolate bar as a pudding to my dinner along with the book. I had an appointment at 2pm. The weather let up but there was no time to do anything worth while.

The went back home and got washed and changed. I had a appointment at The Railway Inn as guest of the Moira Piscatorials. We have few pints whilst we relived the latest fishing match and I reviewed the match log. That was me done for the afternoon.

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