I have had a few days off to visit with my brother Adam and his missus Tracy. They came down on Wednesday afternoon by bus to Derby. I picked them up and took them home. We went to Burton on Wednesday evening. Miss L picked the venue for tea. She suggested Wing Wahs. It is a buffet style Chinese. It was packed and no wonder at £8.99 for all you can eat. It was packed out which tells you everything you need to know about the quality then onto the Cooper Arms for a few beers. It was quiet in there so we were able to catch up. We had all day together on Thursday whilst H and Miss L were at work and school, respectively. We took in the usual sites and a couple of garden centres. Tracey is a keen gardener.
Friday afternoon I drove Ad, Tracey, H and Miss L up to Manchester partly to drop Ad and T back to Manchester as they were to fly home the Fueteventura on Saturday. And to take Miss L to Manchester Metropolitan University. Man Met, as it is called, had an open day. Miss L is hoping to go there. We had a tour of the accommodation and a tour of the University. It was a bit of a shock for me. The University campus is All Saints which is an area of the city I used to live in when I was about seven. The area is completely different, only the roads remain the same and the occasional building. Although All Saints has been redeveloped twice since my time but was strangely familiar and a very odd feeling. The facade of the Town Hall in All Saints was the first building to have it's facade retained whilst the building plot behind was redeveloped. It proved the concept and was used all over Manchester in the following years.
It was home again on Saturday. I got a text on Friday saying the muck trailer was full. I had to collect the trailer on Sunday morning. H had to go to Donnington le Heath to work at a Medieval re-enactment fair. I went to the lottie after collecting the trailer. I dug up the remaining cabbages, dumped eight barrow loads of muck onto the area and turned it in. The weather has remained calm and relatively warm for October but today it decided to rain, well drizzle. I managed to get the area cleared and prepared before the I was soaked through and retired home for sandwiches and dry clothes. I went back to the lottie later in the afternoon once it had brightened up. The drizzle made very little impression on the soil. It was still dust dry. I planted 70+ white and 40+ red over wintering onions. I am hoping for some more rain....soon. I harvested some more beets. I even had time to weed the Asparagus bed. That was enough for the day. That was it for the day so Degsy and I trundled home.
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