I got a text yesterday to say the muck trailer was full. Off I went after a quick breakfast. Having collected the trailer I went to the lottie. There I set about digging up more spuds. The chick weed is getting me down. It grows at an extrordinery rate. Having got my tools together, I plugged in my Ipod and tuned into Radio 4, and set about digging spuds and weeding as I went. The breezy weather had blown away the clouds that had kept the skys grey for the last week. The scattered clouds did not shield the sun in it's big blue sky. The clocks went back this weekend to GMT and with the heat so the sun it would seem. Already the sun looks lower in the sky at its zenith. The wind did not have an edge to it so it very pleasant. I managed to dig six foot of spuds, which is about two rows and came away with a tray full of Cara. The gave a them a wash in the wheelbarrow and left them drying in sun whilst a tided up and looked at what needed doing. The legume bed looks terrible but once the Pumpkins, Peas, Beans and Corn harvested the transfarmation will be quick and extensive.
Perfect Pete came for a chat as did Dave & Harry. Dave is made up with his new plot which he has just taken possesion of. Harry was just interested in lunch. Sue had a chat and asked a couple of questions. Since I am soon to stop being the Secretary of the Society I hedged the question in favour of the Chairman. I have been Secretary for six years and having being trying to get rid of the job for two of those six years.
Spuds dried and with aching back I loaded up Degsy. That just left me to empty the trailer into the muck bin. That I did a set off, back to the stables to drop the trailer. I had a chat with Angie then trundled over to see the bees. They are still flying and looking quite active in the hive. All's well there so I took a little tour of the meadow, checked out the hedgerow and resolved to get some Sloe Gin made.
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