Sunday, October 04, 2009

Getting Busy

Work has been mad for a while but I seem to have weathered the storm. On Wednesday evening I met Steve at the lottie. I just happened to have a bottle of home made wine in Degsy. We watched the sunset whilst chat over the business of the lottie. 9am Saturday Steve, Perfect and I met at the lottie and waited for lottie member for whom the meeting was arranged. They did not turn up! Then went to Melton Mowbray on Saturday to finish a plumbing job for a friend. On the way way back I went to nursery to pick up some over wintering Onions and Garlic. I got a call from Steve to meet at the lottie as the plot holder was available. It was the usual type of thing. They had not been looking after their plot. We came to an amicable arrangement and we are still all friends.

Sunday dawned clear and bright but for once I had a long and good night sleep. I made a very nice omelette for breakfast. Miss L was off out for the day with the boyfriend so she was hogging the bathroom. Whilst she was titavating herself I bottled up the last of the honey. When Miss L had gone I fitted a shelf in her room. Next up was along outstanding job. The upstand at the back of the kitchen has come adrift. It has taken sometime to figure out how to resolve it. In the end we decided to replace the timber upstand with a tiles. H and I had picked the tiles and the gubbins to fix, edge, space and seal the tiles. I cleared the tops and removed the old upstand. Then was just a question of fixing the tiles remembering the to use the spacer and edging strip. It took a hour or so. I will do the grouting in the week when the tiles are set.

H made a nice light lunch. After lunch and watching the end of the MotoGP. I went out to look at Degsy. Last time a set the ignition timing I did not do a very good job however I did spot a few things that were worn. A tenners worth of bits [spark plugs, distributor cap, points, rotor & condenser] where ordered from the t'interweb a few weeks ago. I popped the bonnet on Degsy and replaced all the bits. I was able to reset the timing more exactly than before. I turned the ignition key and after a couple of pops Degsy fired up. He ticked over slowly as it should. H needed some bits so we took Degsy to Swad. Then onto the farmers from whom I borrow the meadow. I dropped off a few jars of honey, the traditional payment of rent for an apiary, then home. That, more or less, was my day beside running out to pick Miss L up.

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