The cold I thought I had shrugged off kicked in again this week. I have been struggling since Wednesday. However the weather continues to be clear by day and by night. That gives sunny days which are not that warm since it is below freezing every night. The sun is still low in the sky during day so it is not that warm.
I finally finished bed 1 that I have been working on this past few weeks. I had a big session yesterday. I figured that if a pressed on I could have the bed ready before the weather breaks as it surely must. The area that I worked was my biggest days digging for a long time. I dug about twelve foot of bed. Given it is sixteen foot wide and I went down a little more than a spit that is some volume of soil moved.
You can see in the picture i now have a nice neat edge to the left side of the bed and path between the green wind netting and the edge of the bed. I finished that off today. I banged in the pegs and fixed the edgeboard to complete the edging. I had already fixed several yards of edge board starting at the bottom of the picture. Once the edge was complete I then dug all the weeds out of what was to become the path, levelled it and laid carpet on top. I was collecting stones in a bucket as I went along. On reaching the cross path, half way down the plot, I came across the drain I put in a few weeks ago. I made a shallow, square box shape in the soil to the depth of the bottom of the drain and dropped in the collected stones. I levelled the area so now it is neat and tidy. I tried my wheelbarrow round the path. I can get it round the whole bed now. The next job is to continue the edging up bed 2 and continue the path. Bed 2 was prepared in late summer so it just requires turning over to dig in the green manure and pull out any weeds.
Half way through the day H turned up. She had been out for a walk. I think she was angling for a lift home or a cup of tea. She is not that fit at the moment and walking is her new "get fit" regime. I made H a brew on the my Trangia and shared some of my chocy bics. We sat on Steve's bench and watched the world go by for a ten minutes. Since the world at the lottie is quite we had to settle for wheeling Buzzards, flitting finches, Tits, Dunnock, Robin and a vast flock of Wood Pigeon settling into the coppice. Refreshed with tea and biccies H walked home. Finishing the bed of meant harvesting the remaining Leeks. Some were starting the go soft so it a timely harvest.