I managed to shrug off my cold by Thursday. The weather has been quite benign for the last few days. The wind has been keen but in sunshine and out of the wind it was quite warm. The clear skys let you track the sun. You can see it's track is getting higher overhead and consequently the evenings are drawing out. Sunset was at 17.00 more or less, this weekend and both evening we were treated to a dazzling red end to the day. I was at the lottie on Sunday at sunset and watched the sun dip behind the hedges and light up the wispy clouds.
The high pressure over country has lead to clear skies during the day and frosts at night. We have not had any rain which has allowed the soil to dry out. Now it is just right for digging. I had a three hour session on Saturday and same again on Sunday. I managed to prepare sixteen foot of bed. Only twelve left to go. The last twelve foot will be easy because this is where the root crops lived and as they were harvested over the winter nothing has had a chance to grow into the spaces. On Sunday I bagged the remainder of a row of carrots. It was a motley collection however the good ones are just the right size to go into a stew uncut.
I fed the worms. Fettled the compost bin. Topped up the bird feeders. The birds seem to have discovered the feeders after ignoring them all winter even thought they were full. I had lots of visitors as well. The sun brought out most of the plot holders and they all had to visit my plot at some point. I guess that is my burden as Secretary. I am determined that this will be my last year as Secretary.
Back home I laid out the seed potatoes to chit and filled a couple of trays with compost ready to plant one evening this week. All the seeds in the greenhouse are away despite the frosts. The greenhouse gets the sun early so it soon looses it's chill. It still have to sort out the "spring shelf" for the greenhouse. In the spring I have two extra shelves in the greenhouse for the proliferation of seed trays. The extra shelves come down when the Tomato plants reach the underside of the shelf and by then the seedlings are ready to be planted out. I am just waiting on the delivery of my fruit trees which I hope will be here any day now.
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