Monday, February 18, 2008

Community Area

"Community Area" it is an unwieldly name for the space where the Patios now live. The community area is an awkward space at the top end of the plots. On the plans it is called the community orchard. Weeds would not grow in that soil, if soil is the right word for the ground. Planting fruit trees was thought to be pointless and probably fruitless. A few years ago we split the "orchard" into two pieces. The bigger area, which is more or less square, we let to a lady who prefers to grow flowers and do garden design. She previously had a quarter plot which was getting a bit small. The plot we devised is bigger than her old plot but smaller than a half plot. I spread out the muck pile that was nearby and dug it over for her. That too was a February but I was doing at night illuminated by my car headlights. I remember it being bitterly cold.

Last Easter I finished the Patios. I had intended them to be round but I broke a borrowed Shtil saw so only one got to be round, the other two had to left be uncut. You will know if you having been following the blog that each weekend an hour is devoted to poo collecting and spreading on the community area. Well I finished that job this weekend too. The flagstones of the patio are two foot square or two foot by three. If you look carefuly you can work out that: the top patio is 14 foot in diameter, The middle one is about 8 x 12 foot and the end one is about 6x10 foot. That leaves us with a a manageable planting area and somewhere to have BBQs etc. The community orchard has been moved. It now runs up the left hand side of the drive away just beyond the car in the picture. I have plans to plant it up in a few months once the muck has had chance the break down.

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