Sunday, March 04, 2012


Today, Sunday 3rd March, I woke up to rain pattering on the bedroom window. Yesterday was mizzling for part of the day. The weatherman said it would be so but I did not believe them. I might have to start paying attention to what they say. They seem to be getting forecast right more often these days.

Since I had an appointment in the middle of the day I could not go to the lottie. Instead I decided to tackle the greenhouse. I took out the bins that held the Tomato vines last year and emptied them onto the apple tree patch. The bins were filled with horse muck and compost so after a year it is really well broken down. The soil in the Apple patch has dropped over the years so a top dressing is in order. Whilst I was in the Apple patch I got the secateurs out and trimmed back side shoots on the minaret Apples. The Pear tree is in good order so did not need touching.

I went back into the greenhouse and swept away the cobwebs and swept down the tops then finally tidied and organised up the flower pots. I then set up the bench for the left side of the greenhouse. That will be in place until the seedlings are ready. That will be about the same time the Tomato plants will being sprouting fast. I selected the pots and tubs I needed and set about planting up, Elephants Garlic, Shallots, Purple Garlic and Meteor Peas.

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