The next few blog entries are going to catch up the past ten days or so since I was in Manchester playing with bikes. Last weekend was something of a blur. Some of it induced by homemade wine and some of it just the weight of things to do. The Tuesday after the Bike weekend was a home Fencing match which we won but it was tight. I had a bunch of stuff to prep for the Allotment Society meeting. I also had to deal with an allotment non-payer which took up more time than it deserved but is now sorted. On a happier note my case of wine turned up unexpectedly. It was unexpected because I forgot I had ordered it.
On Friday I had to pick up a fridge from Freecycle. More about that in another blog.
Big day on Saturday Mike, Suzie and Ashlee were to arrive but almost as exciting was idea that the seed potatoes were ready as was the order of Box hedging. H like going to the Newhall Allotment shop. I saw Pete and picked up my order together with onion sets, BFB fertiliser [blood, fish and bone], potting compost and grow bags. The seeds potatoes are really cheap but the compost is much the same cost as anywhere else but I like to support them. H likes the atmosphere and being the only lady around the older Gentlemen suits her. I am just the young fella from Moira when I go there. We had to drop in at a chain garden centre to get red onion sets and some Garlic. We then went onto Stanton Nurseries to pick up the Box hedging. More about the hedge later.
We got home by ten. I unpacked the car. The seed spuds went into the shed to chit in trays. Potting compost in my Greenhouse and the growbags in Mo's greenhouse. H had made a brew and Suzie called to say they were on their way from Lincoln. That gave me time to sow seeds. I sowed fourteen trays with a selection of Broad Beans, Peas, Lettuce, Cabbage, and Caulis which I then took over to Mo's. I planted four types of Tomatoes. They went into a special propagator I got from Mo's and it lives in the Hall by the window. I am hoping for big things in the Tomato department this year.
Susie and Mike arrived before I was quite finished but that did not matter. It was great to see them. We caught up over a brew and sandwiches. The day flittered away to diner. H made a special diner. We even had the good crockery out. We sat, ate, chatted, told stories, drank wine. Then Susie piped up that she would like some of my "famous" homemade wine. H and I looked at each other. I hope she has her European Hospital card near to hand. I sent Lucy for the small wine glasses and I went to the Shed to make a selection from the "cellar". I selected the classic allotment holders tipple Pea Pod, the hardcore hedgerow foragers Nettle wine [even after two years it is hard to drink], then the fragrant Elderflower and the fruity Damson. In case a night cap was needed I brought in the Sloe Gin and the even smaller glasses. We tried all the wines but I was careful to give only quarter of a glass. I have been on the receiving end of monster hangovers drinking this stuff. I think they liked it. It was certainly different to the regular Grape wine made by proper vintners. The stories flowed as did the wine. Sensing the evening was coming to a close we had a nip of the Sloe. I could not gauge what they thought of the Sloe but I was aware that Mike and I were left by the ladies to discuss the greater difficulties of the world with the assistance of the Sloe Gin. Even we became a little "tired" and so to bed. I think I must have left the cap off the Sloe Gin as the 500ml bottle was almost empty in the morning. It must have evaporated over night.....that will be the reason...
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