Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day off

I had Friday off which was just all well as it turned out. I had great plans to spend the whole day at the lottie. The things I would get done. H car is up for renewal so we went to the dealer last Sunday. We found a replacement but a hundred phones calls later from the dealer ended with the need to visit to the dealer in Burton to sign the paper work. First I had to take Miss L to have her brace sorted, then to the dealer. An hour and a half later we get out of there with promises to set a date for the collection of the new car. I picked up some glass for Mo's greenhouse and then finally set off home. Whilst still in Burton the car sputtered then the charging light came on. I stopped and had a look under the bonnet. Sure enough the alternator was not spinning since the drive belt had disappeared, snapped probably. That was bad enough but the belt also drove the water pump which had been rattling occasionally. I managed to get the car back to the dealer with the water light showing red. Fortunately I did not damage the engine by overheating. The mechanic came out to inspect the problem, yep the belt was missing and the water pump was knackered. He was in utter disbelief that the water had given up. "I have never seen that before" he said, "well you have now" said I. More people came out to see the broken pump; more disbelief. I broke the party up with a request do something about it. We were offered more tea. No sooner than the tea was provided a salesman was detailed to run us home. The car is ready until Monday and hopefully will be fixed under warranty.

It was ready for lunch when I got home. Whilst H did the honours I, very carefully, fitted the glass to Mo's greenhouse. I have broken the replacement pane once before! After lunch Miss L had to run out to her beau's house. Since we only had one car I had to take H shopping. The good thing was a got the makings for Bloody Mary. I could not bring myself to go to the lottie with what was left of the day so made a start to clean up the hedge trimmings in the back garden.

I finished about the same time I would normally have finished work. I organised myself a Bloody Mary. Ouch too much Tabasco but it was quite refreshing. I will try again tomorrow. H and I were able to have a sit down together with no telly or laptops and just have a chat...which was nice.

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