Sunday, October 26, 2008

Over exercised

I have been on holiday this past week. I got about a bit, visiting suppliers that I would not normally get a chance to visit. It was nice to get about the countryside without being under pressure to be somewhere. I managed spend some time at the lottie. I dug lot of bed 2 but managed to strain the muscles of my lower back. Bit of a bugger really. The back is feeling much better by today so much so that I did the poo trailer run as normal.

I haver tidied up the green house and potted up some Buddliea that had self set in the front garden. I shall leave the back garden until after Christmas when the plants are truly dormant and then give everything a pruning. I dug out the dead annuals from the front garden and with H direction planted a load of bulbs, of different sorts, for the spring.

H and I have been busy making Chutney's of one sort or another. There has been a lot of pie making as well. We were given a very large number of Bramley apples. It seems a bit short sighted just to crush them all for juice. I have yet to make some Mint jelly. Surprising as it may seem but you need apples for that too.

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