Monday, October 20, 2008

Biting Wind

The last few weeks were a over shadowed by having to give notice to one of the Society members. It has been on the cards for ages but it is never a nice things to do but now it is done things can move on. The year has turned in the past week. Most of the trees are dressed for Autumn and the wind has an edge to it.

I went the lottie as usual on Saturday and manged to harvest various crops; another Red Cabbage for pickling, some Hispi, some Leeks which although quite small are very tasty and some very odd looking carrots. H came with me just to get out of the house. H tweaked her back a few weeks ago and means she has had a hard time sleeping and that of course affects everything else. She is feeling better by the day so healing is taking place. Under H's direction I bagged what was required. I dug up the remaining early spring sown Carrots, but they were a disaster. They had all split and peeled open. That is because they were not kept watered. However the ones planted late summer are smashing. I planted a globe shape variety. They are sweet and about the size of a gobstopper. They went in whole in to Sunday's stew. I dug up a few of the late crop just to see how they were doing. Very well is the answer. They still have to bulk up but they are nice and straight and without Carrot fly damage. Whatever the herb was a planted with the carrot has deterred the carrot fly. I am trying to remember, I think it was Coriander. I did not like the smell of it and neither did the dreaded carrot fly. So there is a lesson from 2008.

The Pumpkins are ready. I tried to move the vine to tidy it up but it just came off the fruit, ergo it is ready. We have plenty of Pumpkin. Nine in fact. All about a foot across and 5 to 6 pounds in weight. Since the clean up last week the Grape vines are very prominent. I had a good look at them. I still have to work out how to train them.

I went round to my friend Gloria and picked a load of her Apples. They are a bit beat up but should do for crushing. The shed is stuffed with trays and sacks of Apples. There is a fruity, fermenting small about the place. There is still the Salsify to harvest and eat. It is also called Oyster plant because of it taste. I think I will have to have an experiment before it goes on the table before the ladies of the house. I have not been brave enough to dig up one of the Japanese Burdock. I have found recipes for it on the t'interweb. I figure it will over winter until I have time to mess about.

I have this week off, if the weather allows, there will be digging at the allotment.

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