Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all my readers.

I had a very restful Christmas & New Year break even though I had to go to work on Christmas and New Year's eve and the Thursday between the two festivals. We had lots of folks visit leading up to and including Christmas. Hazel worked hard looking after us all. I just tried my best to behave and not get in the way.

Nothing much has happen at the allotment over the Christmas break. We have had visitors or it has been wet or frosty when not wet. The trailer has been filled twice since my last post and spread along the long border. The long border is begin to looking better as the manure gives it a uniform look.

The weekend just gone was the first time for about six weeks that I have got out and about to do something. I have said in previous posts that I had resolved to make a path down the outside of the beds. Well I have started it! It looks good. That took a few hours on Saturday. Now all I have to do is continue right down to the end of the plot! On Sunday I tidied up where I had been working on Saturday. I got a fire going and burned up the left over stalks of Artichokes and Sunflowers. The fire also consumed all the spare bits a wood I had collected over the Summer.I have had a trailer load of manure sitting on my lottie patio for a few weeks. I barrowed the poo pile from the patio and spread it on what will be the potato bed. I am going to pop up to the lottie tonight to empty the ash into the compost heap. I remembered to take tea bags and milk to go with the trangia so I was able to have scalding hot tea by the side of the brazier. It was very nice sitting out watching the birds flitting about whilst drinking tea and warming my feet. The thermometer only got as far as 4 degree C even in the middle of the day. Mind you shovelling, barrowing and tending fire gets you hot and sweaty.

When I got home I looked out at the garden at the back of the house, yet again and wondered just when I was going to find time to tidy up the beds in preparation for the spring.

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