I was just looking my very first blog and spotted that next week will be the blog's second anniversary. A lot of words have passed under the bridge since then. Whilst I was doing some tidying up at work I discovered that I had my tenth anniversary of working for the same firm occurr whilst I was on holiday. A lot of words have passed under that bridge too. In contrast time at the lottie seems to have stood still. It always feels like that at his time of year. The winter is not quite over and spring has not yet sprung. There are signs though. The mornings and evening are perceptively lighter despite the rain clouds. The Witch Hazel in the front garden is coming into flower. That reminders me, I must prune the Willow "hedge" in the back garden before it wakes up.
Work at the lottie last weekend was restricted to dumping more manure on the long border. One more load should see it complete. I also created a proper path half way up the plot. Whilst I had the tools out I dug out a new drain. The new path has been made from formalising the end of the each bed with a plank thus creating the path. A large puddle regularly forms where the old path finishes adjacent to the ditch. It fact it has been there for most of the winter. I fossicked a four foot length of 110mm uPVC. By trenching and tunnelling I drove the pipe through the bank so that the puddle can now drain into the ditch. The new path leads up to the drain into the ditch. The other end of the path leads to the drain under the central path. Now I have a route by which the sub-surface water can get across my plot without creating puddles. My plot is at the bottom of the slope so I "benefit" from the run off from plots up hill from me. I have the germ of an idea to fit a land drain by the boundary of my plot and the next one. It would intercept the sub-surface water before it got on the my plot. It will cost money as well so I will have to have a hard think about that. Perhaps a job for next winter. Surely flooding won't be a problem in the summer!!
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