Sunday, April 21, 2013

Four Furrows

   I was too busy to post last week but here is what I got up to at the lottie. I was supposed to have a good few hours free to do digging. When I got the lottie I found that the gateway to my plot had been blown down. We have had some very strong winds this last week.

   This state of affairs put paid to whatever I thought I was going to do that day. In the foreground you can see some poles. These were the ones I replaced earlier in the year. And would be the solution tot he problem. I cut two short lengths of pole and put a point on one end. I hammered the short post into the ground just next to the intersection on the middle path and the end path. The tricky bit was to cut a pole to fit between the top of the short pole and the middle of the gate post.  After a couple of errors I got the slanted cuts just about sorted. Then I cut a rabbet on the short and long poles where the diagonal post would sit. This was a stop to prevent the poles sliding up and down the pole rather than simply relying on the nails to hold the post. I also secured the pole with and couple of nails I had saved from some demolition I down some time ago. I then had to reposition the wires over the top of the repositioned pole. I couple of staples secured the wires in place. My motto is "throw nothing away that might come in handy". The repair just cost me time since the materials were all recycled. The job took two full hours which ate into my allotted time.

   I filled up the bird feeders, took a peek at the bees and had a brew whilst I figured out what to do in the remaining time. I decided that I would plant some peas. Peas are hardy so the cold wind would not be a problem as the bright sun should heat the soil up nicely. I drew four furrows Bed1. In each furrow scattered a full packet of peas. I covered the peas with manure. I had hopes that the manure would act as a mulch and would eventually be incorporated into the soil. It started to rain a little so that was pretty much it for the day. I did one last quick drill and planted the few Broad Bean seeds I had left in a packet from last year. That drill also got a coat of manure. With a portion of Bed 1 sown and the Rhubarb pushing through it finally feels like spring.


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