Monday, May 07, 2012

Bank Holiday

As Monday was a Bank Holiday in the UK and the last day of my break I was determined to get some work done at the lottie. I took myself and Degsy away early. The forecast was for rain but it was dry when I got up and fully expected it come on to rain at some point. Dave P was already busy on his plot as was Sandy. I dug up the Garlic that had over wintered and starter sprouting. A few days ago Sandy had said that her Garlic had rotted in the ground. I broke up the bulbs and gave Sandy a handful. I planted out the remaining cloves in Bed3.

I dug out the big compost bin and left a big pile of fresh compost on the patio. I needed the room for all the weeds I have to deal with. I decided that I needed to clean up more Bed4 for brasicass. I got the wheelbarrow out and placed it on the plot then set are the weeds in the usual way. The soil had dried out since my last visit which made the perfect digging conditions.

 It took me about two hours to clear three yards of the bed. That was also three very full wheelbarrows of weeds. Whilst I was about it I weeded the bottom path by Bed4. It looks good. By 1pm I was getting tired so I packed up. The wind was cold and it was starting to spit with rain but I had already decided to go home.

At home I had a few things to do including setting up the new rotary drier. H is very pleased with it and I was quite pleased with my mornings work.

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