Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sploshing with Degsy

We have had some weather this week. Lots and lots or rain which is ironic since a drought was declared a few weeks ago. H and I had to do lunch in Loughborough on Saturday for one of H friend's birthday.  We had a very nice lunch at Brown's. We were done by 2pm but the weather wasn't.  I had said that I make a holster out of leather. I made the former and soaked the leather, put it in the former then clamped it all down and left it for the evening.

To add to the rain the wind got up. Full gales all night. I had put away want I thought might get blow around in the garden. The wind found new things to blow about. No damage done. The rain hammering on the window all night made me think about the bees. I had hope the weather would ease up but a leisurely breakfast came and went before the wind settled down. I got a a cake of bee candy from the shed put on my warm clothes and trundled off to the bees. I should not have worried. The hives where sheltered from the worst effects of the gales by the hedges. I took the roof of the hive and using the hive tool levered up the supers to see where the bees were. They were a bit slow but they were not clustering. I took the feed off and replaced it with an eke, dropped the candy on the top of the frames, put the crown board back and finally the roof. As a precautionary measure I ran a ratchet strap over the hive to make sure it stayed put. It was good to out in the wild and woolly weather. It was just a pity I could do the planned work at the lottie.

Having sploshed home in Degsy, H and I had bacon butties to see us through to dinner.The weather did give a smashing, conscience free excuse to watch the MotoGP.  I spent the rest of the afternoon fettling with the leather I had let mould overnight turning it into the holster. I was quite happy with the result. Having made one holster I was able the create a template then trim the leather side.

I have a few days off next week. With a bit of luck the weather will have cleared up so I can do my lottie.   

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