Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The weekend before last.

This summer is flying by without me. I have been up to the bees each weekend. Hives A and C are giving me trouble. They are queenless at the moment. I hope that will resolve itself by my next visit. if not I have a plan B, pun intended. Last weekend I took my honey extractor up to the apiary. It was quite nice extracting honey in a field with the warm sun on me. Then I was able to put the wet supers back on the hive straight away. I might do that again. It felt quite efficient. The bloke combining the wheat field across the River Mease from the apiary stopped. We had a shouted conversation across the river and over the sound of the combine harvester at tick over.

The allotment is struggling in this prolonged dry weather. I don't have enough time to water as often as I should. The good thing is that the hoeing I did and the dry weather is keeping the weeds down. I have started harvesting the potatoes. They come out of the ground nice and clean. The dry soil just falls of them. My Sprouting Brocolli has bolted and and I am up to my armpits in Calebrese. The Caulis and sprouts have been hit with whitefly.

The new allotments should be finished at the weekend. That will be a load off me once that is signed off. Steve, Pete and I had an impromptu work party to set up the path edgings on one of the new plots. Pete was especially chuffed to get out his power tools. His circular saw made short work of trimming down the pegs.

Work has been a pain, I even had to work a weekend recently! It is easing up again. It is the lottie bbq in a month. That will mark the turning of the year.

I still have a load of stuff to plant out from the greenhouse. I must trying and do that this weekend. I said the same thing last weekend and the weekend before that!

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