Sunday, June 26, 2011


Friday evening was the first time the society had had a visiting speaker. his talk was on composting. He was very entertaining. Was was from Hales Owen so had a proper Brummy accent. H sent half the time giggling and the other scribbling down his words that were stranger to her ears, Goowin, Bostin, Wench [he was always bribing them apparently] to name but a few. He had some good ideas and reinforced a few that I had. He supplied the prizes for the raffle. H won some worm gold by all accounts. It was a good night not just for us but also for the society.

What a change day on day. Saturday, wet and miserable, Sunday scorching. I was out early on Saturday, errands for Degsy all the way to Cannock, Rolliston for allotment stuff and Newall for goodies. I needed a couple of spreaders for gate. They were only a fiver a set. I had to get some Onion fertilizers. The chap were good enough to break the bag they sold it into two smaller bags. Again another fiver. They had a bin end of four foot canes so I had a couple of those too. They will come in somewhere. I could not stay for a chat I had to drop in on the farmer and get home for some lunch before a meeting at the allotment.

The weathermen said Sunday would be mad hot. It turned out to be so. I have been collecting miss L from work and since she works in a bar it has been some very late nights. I was at the lottie for 10am. I had the place to myself. I gave bed1 a good hoeing. It was covered in a green fuzz of weed seedlings. The hoe made short work of them but the sweat was running off my nose by the end of it. I had 35+ Broad beans ready so I planted them out and watered them in. The Peas I sowed two weeks ago are through. I heo'd as close as I dared. Next up was Bed2. I had to hand weed the newly planted Leeks. The Leeks have taken well after the planting out last week. Whilst I was at it I kept on and hand weeded the onions. It was really hot by then. I was flagging. I had a brew took the hoe to Bed3. The brasiccas have taken off but they have not closed up to smoother the weeds yet.

After the lottie I went to the bees.

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