Sunday, May 01, 2011

Plot visitors

Something has been upsetting the bird feeders. Each time I have come across the feeder screwed to one of the posts has been cocked eyed and empty. When I pitched up today something was sitting in the feeder. I could not see what it was. I was I got closer I saw it was a Grey Squirrel quietly munching on breakfast. The Squirrel is probably responsible for the broken feeder I found the other day.

Yesterday a Sparrowhawk tore across the plots. Given all the small birds around the plot I was wondering when he would turn up. The Kestrels have been seen floating on the breeze. In the background is the sounds of Buzzards calling and wheeling high in the sky. Although I have not seen them, two different people have reported seeing the Grass Snakes.

The Robins have been flitting into the plot as soon as I step away from my disturbing the soil. I quite like seeing the Yellowhammers. They fly along then fall to the ground as if they have been shot. Whilst I have not seen any of the Cuckoos they have been singing everyday. Some seem quite close. The Swallows and Swifts have arrived. It is nice to see them whirling about. The trees are in leaf so it is hard to see the birds but they flit about the feeders so I get fleeting glimpses of them. I have not seen a Blackbird for a while. Not such a bad thing since they dig up my plot in search of worms.

I have also seen a couple of solitary Lapwings flapping across the sky. When looking across the pond Steve and I saw a wader picking its way along the margin. Steve said later that it was a common sandpiper. Not so common round here. The pond on the adjasent to the lottie has been pulling in water fowl. Nothing out of the ordinary, Mallard and Swans. It is a small pond for Swans.

What I have not seen is Toads or Frogs. The winter must have done for them.

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