Thursday, April 23, 2009

Guided Tour

Someone asked me for a pictorial update of the lottie, so here it is. Click on the picture to see a larger version.

The utility area and new Rhubard bed are on the left of the path, the Asparagus and Old Rhubard beds are on the right of the path. The Comfrey and Gooseberry beds are just out of shot on the extreme right. The beam against the front of the Asparagus bed was rescued from a skip. It is one of the roof beams from the Queen's Head in Ashby. They skipped it when renovating. I do not know what I will do with it but it was too good to go to landfill.

There are four beds named, in a clockwise direction , from the first bed on the left next to the gate, A, B, C and D. You can just about make out the path edge that divides beds A and B. On the right the Broccoli marks the top edge of Bed D.

I due course we should be able to see the Grape Vines on the fence on the left of the shot and at the back. At the back of the shot is the bench. I hope to have a old scented rose rambling round later this year.

If you enjoyed the tour please show your appreciation to the guide in the usual manner . Thankee kindly guv.

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