Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ticking along

The clocks have gone back and it gets dark at 4 o'clock. Last week it had been raining on and off all week which left the ground sloppy mud. Steve and DaveP and I had decided that we had to put up the Rabbit fencing round the new allotment area. before we can move on. We did not have the wire but we did have the posts. Dave P and Steve got the posts ready. We took it in turns to whack the posts in with the rammer, 24 in total. The weather stayed dry but the clay "soil" made it hard to get the posts in and slippy under foot but we managed. Dave P lost most of the skin of his hands. I lent him my gloves which helped him through to the end.

The contractors had dug a trench a weeks ago for the transplanted trees which are to form part of the boundary. We found the trees but the trench was two foot deep in water. We dropped the trees is and whilst Dave P and Steve back filled the trench I cut a gutter to let the water drain out. Half and hour we had the trees in and water out.

It was the Society's AGM on Friday just gone. There was a lot of work to do to get everything ready for the meeting. The meeting was along one this time, more than two hours, but that is a measure of the developments of the Society. I was going to do a bit today but it was very wintery, a light dusting of snow over night, and cold showers all day. In the end I did the AGM minutes instead and ordered my seeds for next year. So that is another years over Society-wise. Roll on Christmas!

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