Monday, March 31, 2008

Clocks go forward

The bank holiday weekend was spent in Cumbria seeing friends. The rest of the country experience snow showers. On the west coast of Cumbria we just had snow showers on the hill which brought out their majesty. It was cold but the crisp sort of cold. Not that damp cold you can't keep out. It was Hazel that spotted that we [H & me, AJ & Jakie & Nige n' Sue] met twenty years ago on the same bank holiday weekend down in Somerset. That gave us pause for thought. No allotmenting this weekend.

The weekend just gone, 29/30th, was a bit different. I had the Allotment Society meeting on Friday night. H went up to see her friend in Cheshire for a birthday party. I was able to pop out on Saturday morning to get some 50x50x600mm pegs and screws for the bed edging at the lottie. I had to wait whilst H returned so as not to leave Miss L alone. I did some tiding up in the back garden, tidied out remaining veggies from the shed and cleaned down.

H turned up about lunchtime. We had bacon butties which set me up for the afternoon. However the weather had turned. Moira was under a leaden sky. It was raining big drops but not many so you did not get wet quickly. It was a howling gales as well. I went the lottie anyway. I figured I could sort the edging out even if it rained. The rain eased up but the wind did not. I plugged away at the pegs and edging. The weather a bit inconvenient. But as am fond of saying "it is not bad weather but the wrong clothing". Since I was working on the floor the metre high wind netting did a surprisingly effective job of reducing the force of the wind. I set the edging to create the half way path of the right had side of the plot. Whilst I was about it I weeded and levelled the new path. The weather eased quite a bit in the couple hours of timber wrangling. I decided to make a start on bed 2 which has been under brasicas all winter and not weeded. I did about six foot before I ran out of steam. I really enjoyed being out in the weather and getting the job done.

The weather blew itself out overnight bring a bright sunny morning with just a light breeze. It planting day! At last. I loaded up the car with seed potatoes, Shallots, Onion sets and Broad Bean seedlings. Before planting the soil needed to beef up the soil. I had the problem of a wheelbarrow full of weeds from the previous day. My allotment buddy gave me a spare composter some time ago. I poo poo'd the idea of another compost bin. I have four already! I thought I might use it at home since it was a smart item. I built it emptied the barrow in to it. That five bins then..... Whilst in the bin area I tidied up the collections of bags and Weed supressing membrane. I lifted up a bag from under the wormery and out hopped an enormous toad. If you ask me I will not own up to jumping out of my skin at the Toad attack.

Toads home restored, barrow emptied and with clear conscience I barrowed three loads of manure onto each bed and worked into the soil. The 30 Broad Beans [Hysor] seedlings went straight into the bottom end of bed 2. The 20 shallots [Golden Globe] went into the bottom end of bed 3. Bed 1 [Spud bed for 2008] was been under green manure up to Christmas and then under horse manure. I went across the bed a dug out the few offending weeds. I have been chitting the seed potatoes in the garage for the past couple of weeks and they are just right. I get ten plants per row. As It worked out I had 51 seed potatoes. Five rows with one spud for the compost bin. This end of the plot is a bit claggy with clay. The recent rain made digging the trenches hard work. Nevertheless five rows were planted accompanied with more and more grunting and puffing. The Trangia is a boon. When the going gets tough I put in on knowing in five minutes I can have a brew. H and Miss L came down to look at what I have been up to over the winter. H took some photos. Miss L remained unimpressed by the transformation. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and flitting. It is not social computing so it does not count!

Autumn 2003

To this:
March 2008

Not bad going if I say so myself.

I cut some Purple sprouting broccoli and the some of the white variety of sprouting broccoli for H to take home for dinner. I still had two rows to plant after H left. I was tired by now but happy. More planting next week.

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