The weather is holding out. Still not too wet. A few showers during the week has kept the soil at the lottie damp and loose. I went to the lottie on Saturday morning. It was really misty to the point where it almost rained. It was dry enough for me though. I move the black compost bins to give me access to the big compo bin. I set about the bin with wood, nails, bolts, hammers and screw drivers and after about an hour of freestyle joinery I had a wormery.
It is a little under four foot long and eighteen inches deep and wide. It is lined with a bit a old pond liner. I managed to find some planks to make a lid but ran out of fixings. I still had a bit of my allotted time left so I set about the lid onthe main compost bin. I had found a decent fence panel sometime ago and have been using it as an over size lid. With the extra time I trimmed the panel down to just the right size and reassembled the end batten. So now I have the lid the right size. The next job is the find some hinges to make opening the lid easier.
I had moved the black compo bins which meant I had the contents of the bins all over the floor. I repositioned the bins and re-filled them. It is quite amazing how much the contents have broken down. The dock root have still got quite away to go.
Sunday was drier. I got down the lottie for a few hours in the morning. I had the wormery from home in the car. I had a some potting compost that I had been growing Carrots in from home as well which I dumped into the new wormery as a base layers. Then I tipped in the contents of the old wormery. I had to re-layer the contents of the old wormery so that the top layers were still on top. Then just to make the worms feel at home I layered on the some new "food". Once the worms were installed I nail together the planks that make the lid. I found a a piece of spare carpet, cut it to size and it now covers the surface of the material in the wormery. Whilst I was knocking wood about I made a little shelf to carry the water butt. Where the butt was positioned made it awkwad to fill the watering cans. How it is at just the right height to fill the cans and to top up the butt itself.
Just to finish the morning off a dug over an eight by twelve foot area of the old pea bed. I took two wheel barrow loads of weeds to the black compo bins. Just as well the contents have rotten down! Another eight foot and the bed is complete. I am feeling quite chuffed as over half the of the plot is cleared.
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