Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Go slow - work faster

I have recovered from the neck pain. The enforced slow down has re-newed my energy levels. Last weekend I dug up the remaining four rows or spuds. It has been a really poor harvest. It rained on Monday last so I went up to the lottie, after work, with intention of digging in the green manure [Buck Wheat]. The rain during the day had really loosened up the soil so the weeds flew out of the ground. It was lucky because it gets too dark to work by about 7.30pm. I am feeling quite righteous at the moment because I have at least half the plot dug over although not actually manured.

It looks like I won't be getting any Butternut squash, Pumpkin or Gherkins this year. I will wait until the first frost or when the plants wilt before pulling them up. You never know, I might have over looked something. I will give them every chance to produce. The leeks are rubbish but it seems I might have a Carrot crop in the ground. I will take a sneak peek this weekend.

On the beverage front, I made Damson wine and it is in the Demi-John fiercely bubbling away. The Damson Gin and Slow Gin have been started. H said she got some funny looks as she passed ten bottles of Gin through the check out. She said she was not going to justify the purchase to anyone. I am trying to find some small bottles on the Internet.

I have also resolved what I am going to do at the lottie this winter.
1. Make a proper path down the west side and north end. This will give me a clean edge to the beds and proper access.
2. Make path between the beds on either side of the centre path. The path edging will give a clean end the end of the beds and give access to the new path from the middle of the plot.
3. Put a pipe under the centre path of allow water to get away from the eastern beds.
4. Complete the patio area. I only need four, 2x2 flags.

I have this idea I am going to make room on the patio by putting the water butt, full of Comfrey Tea, on top of the end compost bin. I just have not sussed quite now I am going to support the weight. And there is the small matter of access to re-fill the butt.

The wait continues whilst the Sweet Corn ripens...or not.

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