It did not rain yesterday and I managed to finish work a little early. Whilst waiting for tea to be ready I knocked in the posts for the fruit cage and screwed the post to the base boards onthe bed. They feel quite secure. After a quick tea I went to the lottie to plant up the remaining part of the potato bed. I dropped in two rows straight into the area that was prepared at the weekend before I was rained off. Then I tackled the remaining couple of foot of bed that needed digging over. The extra rain really loosened up the soil without making it sticky. In no time at all the bed was completely dug over and weeded. Then in went another two rows of spuds. I use Cara as a main crop. They have some resistance to Potato Blight and are very resistance to Scab. They also crop heavily, are very tasty and store well which is about as much as you can ask from a humble spud.
I had a real feeling of pleasure when I looked over the bed. The first four rows are Ulster Prince which have just popped their heads above gound. There is stirrings in the next four rows which are Charlottes. The haulms are barely breaking the surface of soil. Then there is the ten rows of Cara, quietly busy under the damp earth running out roots and pushing up sprouts of haulm to the sun. Spuds are my favorite crop.
Follow the link to the British Potato Council.
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