Saturday, October 05, 2013

Leaning on the fence chatting

   The summer is clinging on. It is still hot enough to get sweaty digging spuds even in a polo shirt. Trailer duty as usual today. The stable folks are having a manege built in the paddock by their house. Much fun had leaning on the fence chatting whilst the bloke tries to get on with digging a hole. Work...I could watch it for hours. I also came away with a big bag of cooking apples.

   Back at the lottie work to do. Bed1 from which I harvested the peas last week is now sporting a green fuzz. The weed seedling are enjoying the nice weather. I decided the first job should be tidying the grape vines. I ended up with more vines on the ground than on the wires. Not quite true but they got a savaging. There are quite a lot of grapes on the vines. I tasted a couple. Pure acid. They could be gooseberries. More chateau Rawdon I think. The sun was hot on my neck whilst I busy with the secateurs.

   No more excuses. I got the trays out and set about digging up the spuds. The soil is perfect despite the bit of heavy rain we had earlier in the week. Luckily a new lottie member came a had a chat so I had a reason to stop for a few minutes. He is repairing his fruit cage. The net needs securing for the winter. I think he got tired of the constant bang as the stapler drove home yet another staple hence the break for a chat. The spuds came up easily and are a good size. I did not slice that many with the spade. I was pleased to note that there was very little blight in evidence. A very occasional tuber would be effected. The soil was so light and moist I even raked it over so it ready as a seed bed.

  On getting home a had a little job which was to nip over to my neighbour's garden and harvest the Pears and Apples from his minaret trees. I do this every year. He likes the idea of the fruit trees but would rather me have the fruit than let it rot on the floor. I have a about two hundred Apples and about thirty Pears. The Pears are going for wine. Not sure what to make from the Apples.

   Degsy got a little TLC as a fixed the indicator that was not indicating. I even had a little time the pack the empty supers into the garage for the winter and wash the oily patches off the drive.

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