Monday, April 01, 2013

Too Wet

  This weather is highly inconvenient. A week off work and too cold to do any digging. I went to the lottie on Saturday to do some digging now the snow had thawed. digging. The soil was too wet and it takes some wetting to be unworkable.  I filled up the bird feeders whilst I figured out what I could do with my time. I decided today was they day to trim the hedges at the bottom of the plot. The pussy willows have sprung up but one of them is far too close to the boundary fence and is beginning to rub it the fence and bump it when it is very windy. After a quick shufty in Degsy I found the pruning saw then set about the tree in question. 45 minutes sawing, pulling and shoving saw the tree trimmed down and the brash stacked out of the way.

   The little flower bed at the front of the is badly over grown with grass and weeds. In past years this little bed has looked after the Elephant Garlic with mixed results. I just got stuck into the middle of the bed with spade and pulled the weeds out by the handful and threw them in the wheelbarrow. I just round the bed until it was clear. Twitch has made in roads into this bed so a bit of careful weeding was needed in those areas. When that was done I dug a trench across the bed and filled it with manure. Then I dug another trench next to it and dropped the soil on top of the manure in the adjacent trench. A couple of trenches and barrows of manure later the bed was done then all I had to do was to flatten the surface out with the back of the fork.   

   Now I was in the barrowing mood I barrowed eight loads of manure onto the big Rhubarb patch. A good coating of the manure makes the beds look neat. The birds meanwhile where giving the feeders a lot of attention. I quite liked seeing a little flock of Long Tailed Tits squabbling over the fat ball. Something stirred on the floor under the feeder and caught my eye. I stopped for a moment but could not make it out. Then it moved. It was a grey Squirrel. I had been told they came to my plot but I had not seen them before today. The last job was to tip the contents of the trailer onto the border.

   I took the trailer back to the stables. I had decide that I would also go up to the bees. I also decided to start a blog you for the beekeeping. It is not quite ready yet but soon.

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