Friday, September 25, 2009

Cool of the night

This week I had to go to a corporate Golf day sponsored by the company I work for. The past few weeks of practise has been killing me. Golf is not my natural game and just add a bit of pressure there was everyone looking on and the scoring. It was a wonderful day to be out in the countryside, manicured and clipped. Sunny and bright with a cool breeze. I finished in the bottom third but near the top of the third. So not too shabby.

When I got back to the hotel after Golf and taking the clients out I sat out on the veranda with a glass of red wine at two in the morning of a very clear night. The sky was black, no Moon, but punctuated at regular intervals with the flashing strobes lights of distant aeroplanes. From the veranda I was able to see the planes moving in and out along the flight paths of two centres just over the horizon. One was Stanstead and Gatwick.

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