Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Be careful what you wish for!

It has been a blowy day. It rained during the night continued with a few blustery showers today and again tonight. I had wished for some rain. I hope the showers are dumping on the lottie as well as my house. The rain will do the spuds good. They have needed a good soaking. But do not worry, it will be nice for the weekend. Miss L always has good weather for her birthday party.

I have been out in the garden this evening. I have tidied up the Greenhouse. I have taken out the big shelf on the right of the greenhouse to give the Tomatoes room and light. I also had a furtle about in the Strawberry patch. I was not on my own. There was lots of Toads hiding under the broad leaves of the Strawberry plants. Here's a few of the berries that lasted long enough to have a portrait but only just!

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