I had a rush of blood to the head yesterday. I collect yet another trailer full of manure from A&C and spread it on the long border. Whilst at the lottie I harvested some Swedes and Cabbage. I got over come with enthusiam. I resolved to go the lottie the next day [Sunday], today if fact. And thats what I did. I took my tea bags, clean water and milk and shot off to the lottie. Unfortunately my enthusiasm did not get me out of bed early. Even so I had my task to do. I set about shifting the half ton of manure that was sitting in the bottom poo bin. Within three quarters of an hour I had barrowed enough muck to cover the dug over area of what would be this years potato bed. Next I tackled the bed that would be the brassica bed. I got almost exactly half the bed covered when I ran out of A&C's manure. I have still have a binful from a different source that I got earlier in the year but where is it to go? The Potato bed or the Brassica bed. I have not even mentioned the Pea bed. The Pea bed will have all the peas, beans and pumpkin. They are greedy feeders so I need some for that bed too.
Having used up all the available manure and still having some time on my hands I set about putting a couple of drains in under the central path. The path has been acting as a dam, stopping the water drain across the plot. I have been minding a piece of 100mm uPVC pipe for ages. Finally it's time had come. I cut the pipe to size. One piece is going just inside the door to the plot, the other half way down the plot. I raked back the stones that make the paths surface then dug down the make a trench. When it was the right depth I just dropped the pipe in the covered it up and laid out the stones again. That job went quickly too.
The clock and had not yet chimed "times up" so I thought I would have a go at levelling out the area of the patio that is not paved. If it is not paved I guess it is not a patio. Anyhow, it is the area that will be the patio when it is paved. The "soil" for the want of a better word to describe the area was very soft from all the rain. A light dabbling with the mattock loosened the soil which made it easy to skim off the excess with the shovel. The area is more level than it was before. I will leave the final levelling until the actual lying of the errant paving stones.
The weather was breezy with a little bit a rain in the air. It was quite invigorating after being inside all week. It was really quiet at the lottie. No one else there, no birds, not even the seagulls.
Since I was on a roll, I went straight out the greenhouse when I got home. I cleaned up the bit a of rubbish that was on the floor and sorted out a few deep trays and the 100mm seed bags. I had about half a bag of seed compost. I fill as many trays and bags as the available compost would allow and planted the first of this year crops. White Sutton Garlic, Jubilee Hysor Broad Beans and Bedfordshire Champion Onions. It seemed to me that the year was truely under way again. What will it bring, drought? flood? My prediction is for a stable year with no great weather event. Will these words be prophetic? Only time will tell.
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