Since the last post I have had four days in Dublin over the May Bank Holiday. In the days before I went to Dublin I planted lots of seeds and watered them in. The greenhouse was emptied again. We were promised and got plenty of rain which suited me since I was not to be stopped working and benefited from the down pours.
We stayed with our ex-neighbours who have moved to Dublin for work. We did the usual holiday things of too much to eat and too much too drink which incidentally, are my two favorite hobbies. In between eats we had a look round the countryside and the city. Top weekend out! On return from Dublin it was straight back to work. I did not get to the plot until Wednesday evening. The weed seedlings are starting to appear. My lottie buddy throught there might be a frost again as there had been one on Tuesday night so we fleeced over the tender plants and earthed up the spuds. The Ulster Prince potatoes got a dose of frost burn but I hope that will not set them back too much.
I got side tracked at home on Thursday night and we had friends over on Friday evening so no lottie those days either. In a fit of enthusiasm I accepted Tony's offer to go rock climbing the following day. Tony picked me up the 08.30 Saturday and we set off for Stanage Edge, Derbyshire.

It is ages since I climbed and although a could remember the techniques I did not have the strength or endurance for it to be an easy outing. On the third climb I stretched my forearm muscles and made it worse on the next pitch. Tony nipped off and solo'd a couple of pitches whilst I rested. But it was no good I am out of condition for that sort of exercise. Given it was only 3ish we packed or bags and went for a walk to Stanage Pole. From the Pole we took a wide right ward circular walk passed Redmire reservoirs circling back across open moor land to the car park on the Ringinglow Road behind the edge. We saw Curlew, Grouse and Snipe and at quite close quarters too as well as thick swathes of Heather and uneven tussocks of grass. It was hard going but enjoyable. We had an ice cream at the van in the car park and a well earned rest. Then it was a twenty minute walk back to the edge and down to where Tony's car was parked at it's foot. The walk turned into a hike of about six miles with all our climbing gear. It was 6pm by the time we got to the edge again. The sun had been out all day and was starting to journey toward the horizon. The edge glowed in the evening sun and since most of the climbers had left for the day it seem really quite tranquil with a gentle breeze blowing to take away the heat of the day.
Click the link for information about
Stanage Edge. Movie buffs will probably know that High Neb was the location where Keira Knighly stood in the film adaptation Pride & Prejudice.

Having shimmied up Stanage Edge in the finger holds of greats such as Joe Brown and Don Whillans and stood breathless, albeit from exertion rather than emotion a la Knightly, I considered we had had a very fulfilling day which was topped off with a pint in the Little John at Hathersage.
My arm, shoulders and chest muscles were over worked so there was no point even attempting to do anything at the lottie on Sunday. After a leisurely breakfast and a potter in the garden H and I went for a walk round our locale. This walk turned into a ten mile hike. All this walking is good training for my summer holidays walking Wainwright's coast to coast.
I made an effort to go to the lottie on Monday evening mainly because I was able to finish work early. I planted out the Sweet Corn, Broad Beans to replace those scoffed by the mice, the remainder of the Leek and Parsnips. I also put in a few Marigolds. After the planting which was quite fulfilling I set about hoeing. It was tough at first but became easier as my muscles loosened up. I am happy to report that the Brassicas that I though had been attacked were in fact the victim of slugs. Since pelleting the area the damage has stopped and the plants have relished not being eaten and are grow like mad. I think the next visit will be Thursday evening if it has not rained. I might even go even if it has!