I have re-read my last blog. I have thought about the blog many times but I don't seem to have found the time to keep up to date.
The rabbit issue has a short term resolution and a longer term solution. Short term I have put a rabbbit fence round my plot. The little blighters eating though the wind netting, coming into my plot in perferrence to the unguarded plots and digging holes and generally being a nuisance. I think the bird netting I have over my plot makes them feel safe. The longer term solution is that I have engaged some Rabbit hunters to come and ferret them out. So the fight is being taken to them. There are still plenty of Rabbits about but not on my plot.
Many things have conspired against me in the early part is this year. The weather has been wet so no digging. I foolishly allowed someone else to organise sourcing and delivery of horse maure. Needless to say thet let me down so I am short of feed for the plot. Work has been very busy and my Dad has had a big operation and is in hospital 100 miles away from were I live. There are still jobs to do on the house but I getting through them. Easter weekend [a four day holiday in the UK] was spent laying a patio at home and laying two patios at the allotment. They all look smart but it is not the same as planting spuds.
The best crops over the winter have been Parsnips, Leeks and this spring, Sprouting Brocolli. I am trying; a smaller Parsnips this year as wells as a the big over winterers, a smaller Leek, Jolent, as well as Muselborough and Spriouting Brocolli again. I am going to plant Garlic and Japanese onions this autumn and get the crops going for the winter.
As it stands now I have a job to prepare the ground for the second sowing of spuds, charlottes for this planting. The first planting was Ulster Prince and in the time in between get all the other seedlings off planted out.
I am parniod that I am going to forget to plant something. Last year I forgot the brussel sprouts and had to buy some for Christmas dinner. Sweet Corn and French Beans are on the "do not forget" list. The weather is warm enough now so I should do it any day now. The Gherkins need potting on but his year I am going harvest them as Concicorns rather leaving them to be Gherkins. I have a note pinned on the Greenhouse to remind me about the next lot of brassicas.
Back to work.